
"Empowering Others to Lend a Loan" with

Project Partners & Scope

Project Partners & Scope

Role: Head of Program, managing team of service designers, stakeholders, and project partners. Led research plan and service design outputs.

Project Partners : Strategic Partnerships Team

Capital One’s Design Pro-Bono partnership with’s strategic partnership team led to a $100,000 grant from BlackRock, helping to secure future initiative developments.

Kiva is an international non-profit with a mission to connect people through lending to alleviate poverty. Their social enterprise site, is an initiative started by Kiva’s Strategic Partnership division to engage non-borrowers with social entrepreneurs by leveraging crowdvetting microloans.

Capital One applied human-centric strategies to take Kiva’s website platform from “good” to “measurably awesome.” The team mapped goals for scaling services, and created new processes for gathering and supporting success measurement, empowering Kiva to illustrate the viability of the new website, and ultimately to secure a $100,000 grant from BlackRock.



Together, and Capital One Design Pro Bono went througn a series of workshops resulting in specific artifacts; including an audit of the original site, research on customer needs and desires, new tools and methods for tackling design challenges collaboratively, a working prototype showcasing the team’s design, a comparison metrics guide for testing and validation, and an engagement roadmap for scalability.



Project outcomes resulted in a new roadmap for the online crowd vetting website with immediately implementable updates and changes to the existing site as well as a new vision overall for future investment and grant development.

“After our partnership with Capital One Design Pro Bono, our next steps were to incorporate all the insights into the current platform, as well as use the work to give funders a clear vision of what we aim to build with concrete steps on how to keep improving,” said Carlos Pierre, Director of Strategic Initiatives.
